Peripheral Neuropathy

Advances in technology now give us the ability to reverse the nerve damage in peripheral neuropathy. We use three state-of-the-art technologies to accomplish this.

Peripheral neuropathy is a curable condition given the new advances in technology today. They include:

  • High-Energy Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF)
  • Vascular Infrared vasodilation technology
  • Professional nerve neurostimulation regeneration technology


We often see improvement within two weeks and noticeable changes by the end of 1 month.  Some of the changes we see quickly include:

  • Improved color and circulation to the skin and toenails
  • Less pain/pins/needles/numbness sensations to the toes
  • Improved balance
  • Less pain when bedsheets touch the feet
  • Less swelling of the feet
  • Less burning or cold sensations

Peripheral Neuropathy Diagnostic Process

Before we discuss the best course of action to solve your particular case of neuropathy, we must first conduct a thorough neurological assessment to determine what caused it, how severe the condition is, whether complicating factors exist that could interfere with treatments, and whether treatment is indicated.

Once we have this crucial information, a plan to cure your neuropathy can be developed. IN some cases we can solve the neuropathy with in-clinic treatments for several weeks, while other plans involve you doing home treatments with the appropriate technology for your condition.

Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment

Treatments whether you do them at home or in our clinic will quickly begin diminishing the symptoms you experience. We use this to determine how long treatments will be required to cure your neuropathy. Most cases resolve in a linear manner which means if 10% of your nerve damage is regenerated in 2 weeks of treatments, then you will require 20 weeks of treatments to complete the regeneration process.

Treatments will quickly stimulate your body’s regenerative capabilities.

Daily treatments at home with the technologies we provide to you, continue this regenerative process for weeks or months, depending on the neuropathy type, severity, cause, and overall general health.

A total reversal of the neuropathy and its symptoms is achieved over months, again depending on your circumstances.

In severe cases where neuropathy was caused by type 1 insulin diabetes, medications for rheumatoid arthritis, or long-term chemotherapy, for example, you must purchase the technologies to maintain nerve health as you can’t stop taking your medication which causes the neuropathy. The technologies will cure the neuropathy, then keep it from returning as you continue to take the medication which caused it.

This ability to reverse all forms of neuropathy is a remarkable breakthrough in knowledge and technology, as it was not possible a few years ago.

Treatments provide the following:

  • Dilate blood vessels increasing blood flow carrying essential vitamin/minerals and most importantly oxygen to damaged tissues and nerve pathways
  • Increase systemic blood oxygen levels ensuring ample amounts are available to fuel the regeneration process
  • Stimulate regeneration of damaged specialized nerve signal receptors so normal electrical waveforms can once again be produced for normal nerve function
  • Stimulate damaged nerve pathways to regenerate
  • Supplement essential vitamins/minerals to fuel the regeneration process


Most peripheral neuropathy cases are reversible as long as nerve pathways have not been severed or allowed to die due to prolonged compression, metabolic starvation, or disease process.

Definition: What Is Neuropathy?

Neuropathy refers to a nerve that has suffered either physical or metabolic damage. This results in the nerve’s decreased ability to propagate essential neurological impulses from spinal cord to body, or from the body to spinal cord.

    Innovative Therapy Canada Peripheral Neuropathy
    This results in either varying sensory deficits (altered or weird sensations), or motor weakness (loss of strength) deficits leaving you live with occasional or constant altered sensations or weakness.  Symptoms of Sensory Pathway damage include:

    • Restless legs
    • Leg cramps
    • Cold or burning sensations on the skin
    • Pins/needles sensation
    • Whitish nails (hands/feet)
    • Greyish colored skin
    • A sensation of glass or ball underfoot
    • Leg pain when sitting or sleeping
    • Off-balance when walking
    • Abnormal skin texture
    • Pelvic pain in genitals (Pudendal Neuralgia)
    • Numbness into hands or feet
    • Pain on feet when bedsheets touch them


    Motor Pathway damage symptoms include:

    • Weakness in arms or legs
    • Balance issues walking
    • Dropping objects with hands
    • Drop foot
    • Muscle pain/ache

    Neuropathy that is left misdiagnosed or mistreated may result in permanent nerve damage, resulting in a lifetime of pain and immobility.

    Many reasons exist as to why neuropathy developed in the first place, but in most cases, the condition did not develop overnight. The nerve developed damage in one of two ways:


    1. Physical damage involving a crush, stretch, or compression injury anywhere along the nerve’s pathway, from the spine (Degenerative Disc disease) to hands or feet (Nerve Compression syndrome).
    2. Metabolic damage due to:
    • Decreased blood flow resulting from constricted arteries/high blood pressure/atherosclerosis
    • High glucose levels (diabetes)
    • Celiac Disease
    • After-effects of chemotherapy/radiation
    • Alcoholism
    • High sodium levels
    • Low B12 levels or inability to absorb it
    • Digestive system issues (leaky gut)
    • Amyloidosis
    • Fabry’s disease (genetic fat enzyme deficiency)
    • Lyme disease
    • Autoimmune disorders – lupus/vasculitis
    • Side effects from specific medications